Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Sylvia Burwell
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Sylvia Burwell

While skilled nursing facilities could receive $800 million more in Medicare payment increases in fiscal year 2017, providers still must prepare for value-based purchasing incentives in two years.

The proposed funding in the upcoming fiscal year, which starts Oct. 1, is attributable to an overall 2.1% market basket increase. 

Policy changes proposed in April include a SNF value-based purchasing program that would give value- and performance-based incentive payments starting in FY 2019.

CMS also introduced four new quality and resource use measures for skilled nursing facilities.

Three new claims-based measures are set for FY2018. They include discharge to community, Medicare spending per beneficiary and potentially preventable 30-day post-discharge readmission measures for skilled nursing facilities.

The final version of the rule is expected by September.