If staying abreast of the top developments in eldercareis a priority you’ve come to the right place. Welcome towww.mcknights.com, where an unmatched compendium of news, information and perspectiveis literally at your fingertips.

We’ve listened to what you want and need. That’s whywe’ve designed this site in a way that lets you quickly find usefulinformation. For example, our site now offers robust tagging. Userscan segment news into nearly 90 different topic categories. These include compliance, enforcement, information technology and quality. Inaddition, we have expanded service-sector tags to include skilled nursingfacilities, assisted living, CCRCs and independent living.

But that’s just for starters. Readers can now opt to seethe most popular, most e-mailed and most recent stories, all witha simple click of the mouse. In addition, the new site offers:

* The latest jobs and immediate access to our CareerGuide.

* Information about our online events, including upcoming webcasts and our Online Expo during March 26th and 27th.

* Automatic options to change font sizes to enhancereadability, order reprints, and order RSS newsfeeds of the latest storiesdirect to your desktop.

* A substantially enhanced Directory that lets you findneeded services, which is enhanced by our comprehensive Buyer’s Guides.

* Access to a fully searchable database of the 3,000 most commonly-prescribed drugs, with special updates onmedications commonly used by seniors.

* Videos of important suppliers.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our newsite, and then let the fun begin. We hope you’ll make this site an important part of yourdaily routine. If you do, tell your colleagues. If you don’t, tell me.