Poor oversight allows nursing home workers to plunder residents' trust funds, investigation finds
Poor oversight allows nursing home workers to plunder residents’ trust funds, investigation finds

Plans for a stimulus package of unprecedented size are beginning to take shape in Washington, and billions of dollars in additional Medicaid funding are likely to be a part of the legislation, according to recent news reports.

At least two different economic stimulus packages are being talk about on Capitol Hill, each one larger than any previously discussed. Congressional Democrats have been working hard to finalize a package that could cost between $500 billion and $700 billion. It would include $50 billion for state Medicaid programs through an increase in the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP), according to The Wall Street Journal.

Meanwhile, many outside of Washington, including 150 economists and labor leaders, are putting together their own $900 billion proposal, according to Bloomberg News. That pricey package could contain a possible $70 billion in healthcare funding. Legislative leaders hope to have a proposal prepared for President Obama to sign in the first few days of his new administration.