Tech is everyone's business.
Tech is everyone’s business.

There is no question you are using some kind of helpful or innovative technology in your workplace. That’s good news, because the 2019 McKnight’s Excellence in Technology Awards program can be just the thing to give you and your colleagues the recognition you deserve.

The competition features two tracks — one for skilled nursing and one for senior living. Each has six categories. For skilled nursing, they are: Quality, High-Tech/High-Touch, Innovator of the Year, Keep It Super Simple (KISS), Safety, and Transitions.

The clock is ticking — nominations will be accepted through July 24, so we’re at about the one-month milepost. Don’t let the procrastination bug hit you! Multiple nominations from the same organization are permitted, but please note that this competition honors providers.

For more information, visit

Entries will be judged by an external panel of experts. Winners will be announced in the fall and recognized online and in print.

Stanley Healthcare is the Platinum sponsor of the program this year. MatrixCare is the Gold sponsor of the senior living track.