Close up image of a caretaker helping older woman walk
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Long-term care nurses may have lost a major in-person conference (or two …) this spring, but at least one major association has decided to continue the show digitally. The American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing has announced it is making its national conference an online event June 3-5.

AAPACN is composed of the American Association of Directors of Nursing Services (AADNS) and the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators (AANAC).

Members who had been previously registered for the regular, in-person conference are already registered for the new event, which will include the opportunity to earn 36.5 CE credits — 25 more than the original event, organizers say. All attendees also will receive recordings of every educational session.

The schedule will be similar to the traditional event, though plenary sessions will be later in order to accommodate all time zones better. There will be a virtual exhibit hall.

Information for new registrations will be forthcoming soon, organizers said. For more information and an FAQ sheet about plans, go here.