Mood of the Market
Mood of the Market

Long-term care administrators and directors of nursing have strong feelings of control over their work, but more importantly, they also expressed confidence that their colleagues value their contributions.

Nearly 88% of respondents in the 2019 McKnight’s Mood of the Market survey said they felt valued either “a great deal” (48.2%) or “a moderate amount” (39.5%).

Meanwhile, more than 63% said they had “a lot” of control over their work tasks, including how and when they are performed. An additional 32% said they felt “some” control.

One workplace expert chose to focus on the mostly positive numbers in the “value” question. A relatively small percentage of respondents said they felt like their contributions were valued only “a little” (9.9%) or “not at all” (2.4%).

“The real value proposition here is 12% of respondents are sort of in that ‘negative’ zone and 88% are in the ‘positive’ zone, so they feel like they are making a good contribution,” said Paul Gavejian, managing director of Total Compensation Services. “In terms of investment, a company wants to spend a lot of time making people feel good about their colleagues, or training and other things that show they’re continuing to try to improve the organization.”

“If people don’t like their colleagues, they find a new place to work,” added Gavejian’s colleague, senior consultant Matt Leach.

The responses in the “value” question produced “a good number” and didn’t surprise another executive compensation expert “one bit.” Especially how 52% of administrators said they thought they were valued “a great deal,” compared to 43.9% of nursing leaders thinking the same.

“I would expect that,” said Anthony Perry, president of Executive Search Solutions. “As you go down the levels of seniority and responsibility to direct patient care, those numbers will decrease.

“Most administrators and DONs have developed teamwork and a relationship. It’s kind of like a marriage — not always hugs and kisses, and sometimes bickering — but they largely view themselves as a team.”

Respondents’ strong feelings of control over their work is also a good sign, Perry said. Survey results indicate that the majority of managers don’t feel that they are being micromanaged.

Survey results reflected responses of more than 250 long-term care professionals who answered a digital survey in April.

See continuing coverage of the 2019 McKnight’s LTC Mood of the Market survey this week in editions of McKnight’s Daily Update and at