Former Exec. Dir., American Medical Directors Association
Former Exec. Dir., American Medical Directors Association

The American Medical Directors Association has dismissed long-time executive director Lorraine Tarnove in a sudden move that was followed by the release of a brief statement to members and then firm “no comments” from several staff members on Thursday.

The group’s president, Karyn P. Leible, RN, MD, CMD, was listed as the contact to gain more information but declined an opportunity to comment Thursday. Tarnove returned a call from McKnight’s but declined to comment due to legal considerations.

Tarnove was abruptly dismissed a week ago at the group’s Columbia, MD, headquarters, according to accounts.  She had served the organization for more than 15 years.

On Tuesday, the group released a statement that began, “AMDA — Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine would like to announce the departure of Lorraine Tarnove as our Executive Director. We wish her well in her future endeavors.”

It continued: “While change always brings uncertainty, the AMDA Board of Directors would like to share with our membership and stakeholders that there is a plan in place to continue with the ongoing management requirements for AMDA,” as well as “a process” to ensure the group continues to serve professionals in long-term care medicine.

There was no one available to elaborate on Thursday, according to AMDA staffers who were “not at liberty” to comment on Tarnove’s departure, or any possible search for a replacement.

Tarnove held a variety of posts representing AMDA through the years, including being the group’s representative on the Long Term Care Professional Leadership Council.