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This Labor Day weekend appears to be keeping with tradition as a time to take a deep breath before a very active fall season.

While the caregiving never stops, the coming months will be especially filled with professional conferences, many of which are scheduled to return as in-person affairs after a year off. There also will be a ramped up political season and providers also will learn details of the administration’s planned staff mask mandate as a condition of participating in the Medicaid or Medicare programs.

Additional guidance is expected from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, as well as state and local governing authorities as the country attempts to disentangle itself from the clutches of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The McKnight’s Daily Update and McKnight’s Long-Term Care News will, of course, be there every step of the way, keeping you informed about the decisions that affect your job every day.

McKnight’s wishes all of its readers a happy, healthy Labor Day weekend!