Gary Tetz
Gary Tetz

In an attempt to learn if I’m allergic to gluten, nuts or dairy, I might have also simultaneously stumbled onto a strategy for solving all problems in life and long-term care management. And even though keeping it a proprietary secret could make me very wealthy through book sales and speaking fees, I’m going to share it with you absolutely free. I’m just that kind of person. 

I haven’t been feeling my best, so decided to try one of those faddish elimination diets to find out if the culprit is something I’m eating.

The theory is simple — you basically eliminate all food except brown rice, celery and a few sprigs of oregano, wait a few weeks until you’re an emaciated and malnourished shell of your former self, and then add food items back, one at a time. If something causes instant abdominal pain or death, you know it’s lethal and should never touch it again.

This approach has worked so well with my diet, I’ve decided to apply it to my life in general. It’s an ongoing process, and I don’t have any final results to report. But I’ve sold my car and house, left my wife, pets and children, and moved to a new city. 

After a therapeutic period of time, I’m going to start adding them back, one at a time, in order to accurately identify which one has been undermining my happiness. 

If you’re having staffing challenges or low resident satisfaction scores, I highly recommend you also adopt this sound strategy in your long-term care facility. You would start by immediately sending every employee home, then bring back one staff member each day. If and when trouble starts again, you’ll know you should fire the last person you added. Problem solved.

And by the way, since most problem employees are probably also gluten or lactose intolerant, the exit interview will be the perfect time to encourage that person to try an elimination diet. She’ll end up thanking you.