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The Senate Finance last week adopted several amendments in its healthcare reform bill that apply to long-term care.

An amendment introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) would insert language that expresses Congress’ interest to address long-term care services and supports in a comprehensive way. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) offered one that links increases in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) with states’ use of Medicaid funds for home- and community-based services.

Yet another would place the Elder Justice Act inside the massive legislation. The act would help prevent and detect elder abuse, and prosecute those who commit it. Yet another contains elements of the CLASS Act, creating a state plan option to provide community-based attendant supports and services to individuals with disabilities who are Medicaid-eligible and who require an institutional level of care. Rockefeller introduced an amendment establishing a coordinated healthcare office for dual eligibles.