Image of nurses' hands at computer keyboard
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A replica bar from the television show “Cheers” will be a highlight for many attendees at the LeadingAge Annual Meeting and Expo being held Sunday through Wednesday in Boston. Dozens of continuing education credits and top-name speakers also will be featured.

Keynoters include best-selling author and physician Atul Gawande, motivational speaker Daniel Pink and deep thinkers Joseph Coughlin, M.D., and Mark McClellan, M.D., who are experts in the fields of technology and policy, respectively.

Other program highlights will include “Idea Sharks,” a new platform for groups who have discovered “winning” solutions to present them; the annual Hackfest technology innovation contest; and “Inspire Me” rest stop walls that involves attendees scrawling their favorite motivational sayings on them.

For more information about the event, which will be held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, click here.