Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)

The full implementation of e-prescribing technology could come within three years, according to one of its foremost proponents. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich declared that possibility last week when he joined and Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) for the introduction of a bill designed to stimulate the adoption of e-prescribing.

While many believe Kerry’s bill, S 2408, has a good chance to pass this year, both he and Gingrich said other IT programs could take longer to get off the ground. A healthcare information technology bill sponsored by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA), for example, has met with resistance from privacy advocates over privacy safeguards.

These topics and others will be on the table March 27 at a special session of the McKnight’s Online Expo. National expert Peter Kress, vice president and CIO with ACTS Retirement-Life Communities will lead the session on IT challenges and opportunities in long-term care.

Complete free registration for the second annual McKnight’s Online Expo, featuring five live sessions March 26 and 27, at