Gregg Harper (R-MS)
Gregg Harper (R-MS)

Legislators’ request for sweeping information about federal regulators’ oversight of nursing homes is part of a House Energy and Commerce Committee official inquiry.

A letter from four U.S. Representatives pointedly asks CMS for any information on Jack Michel, who leads the company that owns the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills, in Florida, and has had run-ins with officials at several other healthcare facilities he owned or operated.

In addition to a handful of Michel and Hollywood Hills-specific requests, the lawmakers asked for documents and information about complaints related to hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

They also requested survey and certification-related documents, and complaint findings since Jan. 1, 2010.

In addition, they were seeking information on beleaguered Special Focus Facilities’ oversight and what CMS does to ensure nursing home staff are licensed appropriately.

Signing the letter were: Energy and Commerce Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR); Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chairman Gregg Harper (R-MS); Subcommittee on Health Chairman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX); and Congressman Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL). As of press time, the lawmakers wanted CMS’s complete responses by April 23.