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The latest Resident Assessment Instrument manual may better guide decisions about how to code certain pressure ulcers.

The RAI user’s manual that went into effect Oct. 1 clarifies that the terms “healed” or “unhealed” indicate whether a pressure ulcer is “closed” or “open.” That definition affects coding choices in the MDS v1.18.11. Also, a previously closed pressure ulcer that opens again should be reported at its worst stage. New details also help determine whether a reopened PU was present on admission, or needs to be coded as new.

“NACs may need to work with clinical leaders to establish a process for wound documentation that supports MDS coding more accurately and tracks the history of skin problems for a resident,” AAPACN Curriculum Developer Jessie McGill noted. “These clinical processes will lead to improved accuracy of assessments and quality reporting.”

Also, said wound expert Jeanine Maguire, Kennedy (or terminal) ulcers have been removed from a quality measure calculation, meaning they no longer should be checked in Section M.