The faces of healthcare workers completing long shifts sport more than the weariness expected in the midst of a major health crisis. Photos of red, bruised and damaged skin — the result of wearing personal protective equipment non-stop — have been popping up widely on social media in recent days.

SpiderTech kinesiology tape

SpiderTech, maker of kinesiology tape typically used in response to athletic injuries, has worked with some healthcare providers to use small strips as skin protectant under masks, eyewear, facial hoods and protective measures items.

The Ontario-based company has been sharing its line of mini i-STRIPs, which can prevent chafing and pain. The mini i-STRIP kinesiology tape face protection is made of 100% cotton and acts as a second, breathable skin. While the tape can be placed just about anywhere to prevent PPE irritation, the most common application uses three mini i-STRIPs in a triangle, to protect from face mask pressure. The adhesive is a gentle, gel-like, latex-free adhesive that maintains a seal on the skin without irritation and can be removed with no pain or skin damage.