Gina Kaurich
Gina Kaurich

After serving a year, Gina Kaurich has departed as executive director of the National Association Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care (NADONA).

President Sherrie Dornberger will take over the position of executive director in the interim, Kaurich said last week—her last week on the job. Kaurich today begins her new position as executive director of client care services for a non-medical in-home care company in Cincinnati, she said. Kaurich resigned from NADONA about a month ago.

The decision to leave NADONA was a difficult one, Kaurich told McKnight’s.

“It’s one of those things that I really never expected would occur, but this opportunity came up,” she said. “It’s with mixed emotions and I felt very torn in making this decision. But I had to look at it from a [professional] growth standpoint and also a personal standpoint as well.”

Kaurich is one of several people who have taken on the role of executive director of NADONA since Joan Warden-Saunders was removed from the post in 2006. NADONA represents nursing and administration professionals in long-term care and assisted living.