Rotary Senior Living in Eagle Grove, IA, is partnering with USDA Rural Development and Security Savings Bank on a memory care addition.

Rotary Senior Living has 42 residential care beds and 46 beds for its skilled nursing unit.

To qualify for the USDA funds, a project has to be located in a rural area  with no more than 20,000 residents. USDA Rural Development’s loans can be used to purchase, construct and /or improve essential community facilities, purchase equipment and pay related project expenses, the facility said. Security Savings Bank in Eagle Grove will be the private lender to facilitate funds after USDA approval.

“As a Rotary Senior Living Board member, I can speak for all the members that we are excited to move forward with the memory unit as we strive for a continuum of care for our community,” said board member Paul Tokheim. “Being able to provide quality programs for Eagle Grove and the surrounding region assists in keeping individuals needing these services close to their families and loved ones.”