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The Illinois Health Care Association has returned to the membership rolls of the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living.

“Illinois is too large a state and too critical a player in the nation’s delivery of long term and post-acute care to not be active in Washington,” said Holgeir Oksnevad, president of IHCA.

Illinois left the association in 2008, citing a need to focus on state Medicaid reimbursement. Long-term care organizations in the state can face up to a six-month backlog in reimbursements from the state, and it is estimated Illinois has about $2 billion in unpaid Medicaid bills.  

IHCA has 200 members. Membership within AHCA/NCAL was effective Sept. 1.

“We are so pleased to be rejoining a national organization that speaks on behalf of providers and the millions we care for,” said David Voepel, executive director of IHCA.