Jennifer Hubbard
Jennifer Hubbard

By using the PointClickCare Collection module, Jennifer Hubbard, the director of financial consultants at Gulf Coast Health Care, was able to make collections more efficient through electronic documentation, customized lists and tracking payments.  It allowed her to reduce the company’s total accounts receivable by $12 million in a year.

“We’ve always wanted electronic documentation,” Hubbard says. “It’s concise, it’s neat and it’s customizable.”

The module allowed Hubbard to set up automated reminders for her billing department, provides electronic document storage and allows her to track Medicaid pending activity. Hubbard says she also loves the reduction in the amount of paper, which creates more efficiency and less waste.

She recommends the system for other directors. “If it’s set up correctly, it will make your life easier,” she says.

Collection module
PointClickCare’s Collections module allows staff to generate owner-specific call lists, monitor account activity and generate collection letters. PointClickCare offers web-based, integrated EHR, MDS, billing and administrative processes. For more info: (800) 277-5889 or

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