Bryan Hornsby, MasterCare Inc.
Bryan Hornsby, MasterCare Inc.

As the chief operating officer for MasterCare Inc., a skilled nursing management company, Bryan Hornsby has to keep track of all the equipment in multiple SNFs. This formidable task is much easier today, thanks to a Fast World Works application.

The app provides Hornsby with the serial numbers, warranties and other vital information for inventory ranging from fire suppression systems to kitchen equipment.

Hornsby has used the app to shop for lower insurance rates, easily giving his agent “granular information” about facility equipment. The app also aids compliance with meeting timelines for equipment maintenance.

It improves workflow, because it can be used to set up tasks for staff members and track completion, Hornsby said. He praised the Fast World Works team for being responsive to his needs, and praised the app for being a “safeguard” and “big time saver.”

Time-saving app

Fast World Works’ web-based application is a flexible tool for tracking and managing equipment. It enables users to assign tasks, track warranties, life cycle equipment, search databases and more.

For more information: 

(601) 941-7936

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