Karey Thigpen, RN, DON
Karey Thigpen, RN, DON

By using Constant Care’s CareConnection™ platform, certified nursing assistants at Kentwood Manor in Kentwood, LA, have been able to upload vital signs from residents automatically into electronic health records. That has saved time, and helped reduced errors and readmissions, director of nursing Karey Thigpen, RN, says.

“There’s no risk,” she says.

CNAs can perform all of their charting and ADL care through the tablets as well.

“We have seen our documentation compliance go to 100 percent almost every single day,” she says. Plus “they are more inclined to document more episodes.” 

Point-of-care documentation reduces the risk of a CNA forgetting to mention, for example, how a resident’s eating pattern has changed, she explains.

 “It’s improved team morale and we have less turnover. It’s made the staff’s job easier,” Thigpen adds.

Point-of-care platform

Eliminating paper documentation, Care Connection users capture vitals and weights with an automated Vitals Care Cart, sending data and alerts when necessary to the electronic health record.

For more information:

(855) 695-4525
