Pamela Patterson, CCRN, Cantata Adult Life Services and Business Performance Services
Pamela Patterson, CCRN, Cantata Adult Life Services and Business Performance Services

AOD Answers™ has allowed Cantata Adult Life Services and Business Performance Services to have an electronic health record of their residents and to conduct a healthy business, says Pamela Patterson, CCRN, director of informatics and corporate compliance officer. 

Answers is a fully integrated software system designed specifically for the long-term care industry, providing EHR, financial, point of sale and operational solutions to providers. Patterson primarily uses the software to run business reports and analyses, file documentation, generate bills and manage patient data. 

Compared to previous software, Answers is the most “comprehensive software suite,” Patterson says. 

“This software can handle everything that we want to do. It is the most user-friendly, the most intuitive of all the products. Give yourself time to learn all that it can provide for you,” she says. 

AOD Answers

Answers™ is a software solution that delivers powerful, real-time information built on a resident-centric engine. The solutions are tightly integrated to ensure that information needs to be entered only once. 

For more information:

(954) 724-9809

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