Tambria Turco

With the onset of the RUG-IV payment system looming, leaders at the Covenant Care eldercare chain say they were simply looking for a tool that would accurately capture residents’ activities of daily living and “the comprehensive burden of care.”’

What they got in the AccuNurse voice-activated information collection system is “so much more than that,” says Tambria Turco, Covenant’s vice president of clinical care.

“We have the capacity, in real time, to have the CNAs make a clinical notation on a clinical condition that immediately goes to a licensed nurse. Built into the system is the requirement that some action has to be taken on it,” Turco explained.

Soon, nearly all of the chain’s 54 sites, covering around 5,000 individuals, will be converted to AccuNurse.
“From a risk, liability and quality standpoint, it’s very valuable. It synthesizes so much data for us,” Turco says.

Ready to listen
AccuNurse is a voice-activated, hands-free documentation and communication system that lets caregivers immediately record resident clinical information at the bedside.

For more info: (877) 282-3456 or www.accunurse.com