Make therapy caps lower, streamline review process, MedPAC chairman urges House committee
Make therapy caps lower, streamline review process, MedPAC chairman urges House committee

Three House committees officially released their version of healthcare reform legislation in mid-July, meeting a deadline requested by President Obama and igniting a firestorm of debate. Republicans and many business groups decried the projected costs, as well as the strong hand the government would play in some of the reforms.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) predicted a bill would come to a full House vote after press deadline but before lawmakers’ August recess occurred.

The final versions of the House bill contained billions of dollars in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid to fund changes, and a public insurance plan that would in some ways mimic the Medicare program. It also would include plans for a long-term care disability program.

Higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans and some small businesses to fund the rest of the proposal have caused widespread criticism from those sectors.