Image of male nurse pushing senior woman in a wheelchair in nursing facility
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Federal agencies should not issue any regulations until after Inauguration Day, House Republicans demanded in a Nov. 15 letter.

The Obama administration has said it would continue to pursue actions and work through the rest of the year, but House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said the party is prepared to push back.

“As you are aware, such action often involves the exercise of substantial policymaking discretion and could have far-reaching impacts on the American people and economy,” states the letter, which was signed by McCarthy and 21 Republican committee heads. “Considering these potential consequences, we write to caution you against finalizing pending rules or regulations in the Administration’s last days. By refraining from acting with undue haste, you will ensure that agency staff may fully assess the costs and benefits of rules, making it less likely that unintended consequences will harm consumers and businesses.”

Such a notice has precedence: In 2009, Rahm Emanuel, then Obama’s chief of staff, sent a similar letter to George W. Bush’s administration.

The biggest changes for long-term care, within the final rule released in September, are still expected to be implemented by providers in three phases, starting Nov. 28 and continuing through 2019.