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While healthcarereform may be a preferred topic among those seeking the White House andcongressional seats, it may not be Job 1 after November elections. A slumpingeconomy, a war in Iraq and other global issues may take priority, a once-powerfulHouse member predicts.

Speaking Thursdayat a healthcare policy forum, former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt saidhe’s not sure “the next president and the next Congress is going to take up[healthcare reform] first.” Gephardt and other panelists said bi-partisancollaboration will be needed to change healthcare policies and practices in thefuture.

The panel’sprimary focus was addressing ways to reduce chronic conditions, which arerampant in long-term care settings. Panelists noted that seven of every 10deaths in this nation are the result of chronic conditions. They added that suchconditions are connected to three quarters of all healthcare spending.