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More than half of American adults said they are unlikely to return to a business after experiencing unpleasant restrooms, according to the Health Hand Washing Survey from Bradley Corp.

Long-term care providers should note that poor restroom maintenance in public restrooms can deter business.

“Depending on their condition, public restrooms can become significant business liabilities – or ringing endorsements,” said Jon Dommisse, director of global marketing and strategic development at Bradley Corp., a manufacturer of commercial washroom products. “Good restrooms clearly give businesses a competitive edge.

In addition to regularly scheduled maintenance, Dommisse said the survey found that the following were common restroom aggravations: Empty or jammed toilet paper dispensers (mentioned by 93% of respondents); clogged or unflushed toilets (87%); stall doors that don’t latch (81%); bad smells (79%); and an overall appearance that’s old, dirty or unkempt (79%).

The annual survey queried 1,042 American adults online for three days last December about their hand-washing habits in public restrooms and concerns about germs, colds and the flu.