Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) has called for a nationalinvestigation into the way states handle complaints of poor nursing care. Heacted after receiving a serious complaint regarding a nursing/rehab center froma constituent.

The senator said that an investigation into a negligenceclaim by the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals was “whollyinadequate.” Sandra Bickley, the daughter of a nursing home resident,complained because she believed her mother was poorly treated in a nursinghome in Waterloo, and the department found no problems with the care. 

Grassley is asking the Government Accountability Officeto look at all state agencies like the Iowa Department of Inspections andAppeals and how they respond to nursing home related complaints. He also isasking the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to give him four yearsof reports dealing with state inspections.