Neil Kurtz, Golden Living CEO
Neil Kurtz, Golden Living CEO

Long-term care giant Golden Living claims that politics and retaliation are the reasons behind a 101-page legal action claiming an array of illegalities at a minimum of 14 of its facilities in Pennsylvania.

Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane announced her office was suing Golden Living, which operates nearly 300 facilities nationwide, 36 of them in Pennsylvania.

Kane’s 101-page legal action was filed against Golden Gate National Senior Care LLC on July 1 for allegedly failing to provide basic services to residents, having falsified records about care and deceiving Department of Health inspectors.

The complaints are nonsense, and a clear case of vindictiveness, countered Golden Living CEO Neil Kurtz, M.D.

“Golden Living is confident that claims made by the Attorney General are baseless and wholly without merit,” Kurtz said in a prepared statement. “No doubt, this is an unfortunate result of Kathleen Kane’s inappropriate and questionable relationship with a Washington, DC-based plaintiff’s firm that preys on legitimate businesses and is paid by contingency fees.”

Kurtz further put Kane on the spot by claiming, “Golden Living also believes that this complaint is in retaliation for our challenging the Attorney General’s authority in a pending lawsuit.”

The Golden Living facilities are accused for being understaffed, thereby leaving residents deprived of basic needs. Many residents’ family members have complained on the record about an alleged pattern of omitted care.

The legal action seeks to prohibit Golden Living from engaging in unlawful business. It also asks for $1,000 per violation of the law, or up to $3,000 for every violation involving a resident aged 60 or older. Finally, the action seeks compensation for consumers and costs of litigation.