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The current healthcare system will remain under-funded and must be reformed if America is to remain competitive around the world, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told an audience in Utah last week.

Speaking in Salt Lake City on Wednesday as part of the Healthy Dialogue series, which is sponsored by Intermountain Healthcare, Gingrich took aim at the current healthcare system in America. The current system, he said, is designed to expand to absorb the amount of money available, which is why it will be permanently under-funded. More personal responsibility is needed to ensure healthier citizens, he said.

Gingrich came to the conference with some recommendations, as well. People should exercise 30 minutes a day, obese people should lose 10 pounds, and physical education should be taught to all children from kindergarten through high school. He also said that improving failing hospitals and healthcare facilities would improve health outcomes and save money in the long run.