Democrats on Capitol Hill have reached a compromise onthe Employee Free Choice Act that would do away with the contentious card-checkprovision in favor of shorter unionizing campaigns and faster elections,according to published reports.


The so-called “card-check bill” lost itseponymous feature due to pressure from employers and business groups, whooppose any pro-union legislation, and conservative Democrats who argue thatallowing a majority of workers to decide on unionization is”undemocratic,” reports the New York Times. The bill was declared thetop priority of union leaders this year and has drawn massive amounts of spendingand lobbying by both sides.


As part of a new compromise bill, once 30% of workerscall for unionization, elections would have to be held within five to 10 days,reducing the amount of time management would have to potentially dissuadeemployees. Additionally, measures are being considered that would preventcompanies from requiring employees to attend anti-union meetings. The EFCA alsostill contains an arbitration provision, which would hold employers and unionsto binding arbitration if a contract is not reached within 120 days, aprovision employers and business groups strongly oppose. Union officialstherefore say they would still consider passage of the EFCA to be a legislativevictory, according to the Times report. The measure is not expected to be actedupon until after Congress’ August recess.