Regenstrief CEO Peter Embí, M.D. envisions improved care and savings to the system.

The Regenstrief Institute, an organization dedicated to technological innovation in healthcare, is investing in Indiana-based medical startup Care Revolution to expand an ongoing project funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Center for Innovation. 

Care Revolution, which focuses on improving care at nursing facilities, has been working on a new model of care to boost daily workflows. 

The program embeds a specially trained nurse at each facility to deliver support to long-stay residents and their families. 

The embed also provides education and training to other staff members. They also conduct reviews of care management. 

The model’s ultimate goal is to allow nursing home residents to be treated in the familiar setting of the facility more often, rather than be transferred to the hospital.

The startup’s model of care was put to the test during a trial at 19 nursing homes. The model was able to reduce avoidable hospitalizations by 33%, lower Medicare expenditures by $1,589 per resident per year, and produce a total Medicare spending reduction of nearly $13.5 million. 

Thanks to the new partnership, there will be hands-on training, workflow improvement tools, data management resources and other options provided to facilities to help them improve quality of care and communication with families.

“The creation of this company epitomizes the type of impact that can result from the successful translation of research-to-practice,” said Peter Embí, M.D., MS, Regenstrief president and chief executive officer.

“As it grows and spreads across the U.S., we expect Care Revolution to create great value by improving the quality of care for people in nursing homes while saving the healthcare system hundreds of millions of dollars in the process.”