Eldercare Locator call center
Eldercare Locator call center

Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee this week attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a recently enhanced call center that serves as an office for Eldercare Locator.

“In January, the first baby boomers will turn 65; this will mark the beginning of a dramatic increase of older adults in the United States,” she said. “By 2030, there will be an estimated 72 million persons 65 plus, more than twice the number than in 2000.”

Eldercare Locator, a free service under the U.S. Administration on Aging, has been around for 20 years. Previously, Eldercare Locator maintained a toll-free hotline for older adults and caregivers looking for information about resources with regards to aging.

But to keep up with aging baby boomers, Eldercare Locator has upgraded its services. The new call center allows callers to speak with an Information Specialist who can connect them to a local agency that can answer questions about long-term care alternatives, transportation options, caregiver issues and government benefits eligibility. Upgrades also include a redesigned website.