James M. Berklan, Editor
James M. Berklan, Editor

Originally, the phrase was delivered as a veiled, menacing threat. Then, it became used so much, it morphed into a parody of itself. Nowadays, it’s largely considered a hollow, marketing come-on.

But here goes, with no apologies to gangsters or Madison Avenue hucksters: I want to talk about an offer you can’t refuse.

I am referring to this magazine’s fourth annual McKnight’s Online Expo (see a full display on pages 20 and 21). Let’s call it MOE IV for short.

Oh, you can refuse it all right, just like you could turn down the gift of a winning lottery ticket, or tell your supervisor, “No, I really don’t think I want to improve myself. I’ll just curl up and take a nap instead.”

You could do it any of that. But it wouldn’t make sense.

To summarize, McKnight’s is bringing to your computer screen—wherever you keep it, and whatever kind you use— a faculty of experts on topics vital to your profession. At no cost to you. And you can earn up to five continuing education credits just for taking in the hour-long presentations.

Also for free.

Now if that’s not an offer you can’t refuse (he smiles broadly while typing), I don’t know what is.

But it’s important to do something right now. Crack open that Daily Planner or grab the Blackberry. Reserve March 24 and 25 for some “you” time right now. You’re probably blocking off time for other meetings or appointments, so there’s no reason not to follow through with this. (Specific session times are listed on pages 20 and 21.)

Attendance skyrocketed at last year’s sessions, and we expect banner “crowds” again this year. We haven’t figured out how to deliver snack break cookies through your Internet connection— yet!—but you will have enough time for leg stretching, bathroom breaks and the ability to directly ask questions of our experts and vendors in the exhibition hall—and more.

Take this opportunity to bolster your New Year’s self-help resolutions, or bring them back to life if they’ve wilted. Check McKnight’s publications and www.mcknights.com for more information as the weeks unfold.

But set yourself up for success now. It’s all up to you.

This really is an offer you shouldn’t refuse.