EVAC123, Disaster Management Systems
EVAC123, Disaster Management Systems

Disaster Management Systems announced a line of solutions for nursing homes and long-term care facilities to meet Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services standards.

This includes a patient evacuation system called EVAC123. The tool allows ability to evacuate and track patients that satisfies regulation E-0018, the company said.

It focuses on prioritizing patients for evacuation and documenting their movements and uses an all-weather evacuation tag that accepts labels with a medical record number.

“Confirmation that a patient has reached a destination is paramount to ensure no one is missing” said Dennis Ortiz, VP of Disaster Management Systems. “EVAC123’s ability to use a patient’s name and medical record number virtually eliminates the common tracking errors caused by number / name mismatches.” EVAC123 is fully compatible with any electronic tracking program but does not rely on them. EVAC123 works when the power doesn’t.”

The EVAC123 tabletop training kit includes a vinyl map of a small nursing facility and patient cards that lets employees practice, while meeting rule E-0039 from CMS.