The SANItize box
The SANItize box

Custom America has launched the new SANItize Box in North and South America.

The product, introduced in Europe in June 2020, is designed to help protect users against COVID-19, bacteria, fungus, mold and other harmful microorganisms — all using ozone gas.

Ozone is a type of oxygen molecule created from three oxygen atoms. It contains reactive “free radicals” that rapidly cause oxidation to microbes including viruses, bacteria, fungi and more, destroying them quickly upon contact.

The SANItize Box by Custom is a hermetically sealed container with an ozone generator. Items can be placed inside it, and when the SANItize Box is cycled on, it begins generating and venting ozone into the container, sanitizing the contents. Running on a 20-minute cycle, the SANItize Box can quickly and safely disinfect a wide variety of items, with an ozone concentration exceeding 4 parts per million, and a maximum production rate of 800 mg/hr of ozone.

Compared to UV units, the SANItize box has lower running costs, is safe, and does not require maintenance or skilled personnel for operation. It also can be used for items that cannot be safely sanitized in an autoclave, such as medical micro-cameras.

The SANItize box is available in three sizes: Smaller boxes are appropriate for disinfecting phones and other small items, while the largest box can be used to disinfect tools, medical equipment, laptops, shoes and more.