ThermalPass rendering

Software and solution provider Internet of Things has developed a crowd accommodating fever-detection system called ThermalPass designed to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus and other fever-bearing contagions.

The system uses thermal medical grade sensors instead of cameras, which are less accurate, more expensive and may be viewed as obtrusive to personal space and privacy.

ThermalPass can accurately detect body temperatures on people walking at a normal pace to help speed up screening processes at high-traffic, public locations, providing audible and visual alerts when a higher than normal body temperature is found. This will allow staff to enact their own protocols to help isolate those with indicated fever from the rest of the patrons or employees to help stop viruses from spreading. Scanning for fevers in individuals can help identify the initial symptoms of viruses in people before they have a chance to spread further.

ThermalPass’s passive system was designed to blend in at entryways of office buildings, healthcare facilities, schools, shopping malls and more