A healthcare provider wearing gloves vaccinates an older woman
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Residents’ weakened immune systems could dilute the effectiveness of future coronavirus vaccines in the most vulnerable population, according to a new report.

The decline, called immunosenescence, already undermines elders’ response to other vaccines. This in turn can raise mortality risk in illnesses such as flu. Health officials and scientists are concerned that it could pose similar problems for COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Researchers are responding to the issue by proposing options such as increased doses or adding booster shots (adjuvants) for older adults, strategies already used with flu vaccines. Some drug firms, such as Pfizer, Inc., are testing vaccine candidates in older adults. At least one vaccine for the elderly is in development, the news outlet reported.

“It would not be particularly encouraging if we have a vaccine that’s capable of protecting 20-year-olds who probably have a pretty low risk anyway of getting sick, and doesn’t work at all for people over 65,” Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., director of the National Institutes of Health, told the journal.

Some of the experimental vaccines “may turn out to be better for older individuals, and that’ll be a big issue in terms of how we then end up deploying these,” Collins added.

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