Nursing homes will be subject to escrow for all civil monetary penalties, CMS announces
Nursing homes will be subject to escrow for all civil monetary penalties, CMS announces

With Congressional Democrats and Republicans failing to reach an agreement on proposed federal funding cuts—including possible reductions to healthcare reform and entitlements—analysts are predicting a government shutdown by April 9 unless a deal is reached.

Republicans have proposed riders to the spending bill, several of which would mean cuts to the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act. However, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has vowed to fight this.

“Let’s put it this way: the health-care rider is not one that will be in any bill that will be sent to the president and that the president will sign,” Pelosi said, according to The Washington Post. “[Healthcare reform] will not be repealed.”

Democrats are pushing to “broaden the frame of cuts.” Rather than trim discretionary spending, their preference is to streamline major government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid by “expanding federal program integrity authority,” The Washington Post reported.