A woman hired as an occupational therapist says Genesis used her background check improperly.
A woman hired as an occupational therapist says Genesis used her background check improperly.

A Chicago-area nursing home resident allegedly suffered from a condom lodged in his stomach, leading to a lawsuit filed Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court.

The resident, L.C. Scott, experienced gastrointestinal symptoms and was taken from Westchester Health and Rehabilitation Center to Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital in June 2012, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. There, doctors discovered a condom filled with “hardened material” in his stomach, according to the newspaper.

Scott reportedly was bedridden, non-verbal and being tube-fed, and it is unclear how the condom was ingested. However, plaintiff Trixie Scott believes the condom is evidence that L.C. Scott had been sexually abused. The abuse also could have occurred during one of Scott’s 14 stays at La Grange Memorial between January 2010 and June 2012, the charges contend.

L.C. Scott died in February 2012, about eight months after gastrointestinal surgery that uncovered the condom, the Sun-Times reported.

The hospital and nursing home both are named defendants in the suit, which is seeking $50,000 in damages. 

As of press time, the hospital had not responded to a phone call from McKnight’s. A Westchester spokesman said the facility would respond to questions after consulting with attorneys. Westchester is a 120-bed, for-profit facility, according to Nursing Home Compare.