Image of male nurse pushing senior woman in a wheelchair in nursing facility
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Hospices can expect an estimated 1.4% increase in their payments for the fiscal year 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Monday.

The final rule confirms the proposed rule published in May and is expected to yield a $230 million increase.

The hospice payment increase is the “net result” of an update to hospice per diem rates of 2.1% and a 0.7% decrease in hospice payments. This is due to an “updated wage data and the sixth year of CMS’ 7-year phase-out of its wage index budget neutrality adjustment factor,” CMS explained.

The finalized rule also updates the potential definitions of “terminal illness” and “related conditions,” as well as information on processes and appeals for Part D payment for drugs.

To access the complete final rule as posted to the Federal Register Public Inspection, click here.