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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Tuesday sent a letter to state Medicaid directors detailing the qualification terms for a 90% matching fund rate for administrative expenses that go toward information technology.

States must comply with three stipulations to qualify for the 90% federal financial participation (FFP): administration of Medicaid incentive payments to Medicaid eligible professionals and eligible hospitals; oversight of the Medicaid electronic health record (EHR) Incentive Program, including routine tracking of meaningful use attestations and reporting mechanisms; and pursuit of initiatives that encourage the adoption of certified EHR technology for the promotion of health care quality and the electronic exchange of health information.

This funding, along with a 100% FFP for state spending on provider incentive payments for EHR, is available through the the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Total federal funding for the EHR programs could reach $27 billion. The CMS letter is available online at the CMS website.