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The federal government on Thursday is kicking off a new stage of a webinar series that helps nursing home providers prevent and manage COVID-19. 

The “Nursing Home COVID-19 Training Series” is being offered in a new format by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and  Disease Control and Prevention. The webinars are now pre-recorded and on-demand and will be released at 4 p.m. ET every Thursday. 

The series will run through September. The agencies also plan to hold live Q&A sessions starting next week.

Session topics include establishing an infection prevention program, establishing a dedicated COVID-19 center; cohorting strategies; and best practices for hand hygiene and personal protective equipment. 

Infection control is a top concern for federal officials, especially after a recent uptick in coronavirus cases at nursing homes. 

Federal strike teams and Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) have reported “significant deficiencies in infection control practices,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma said last week during a call with nursing homes. 

The training will be available at