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Healthcare-related topics surfaced briefly during Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate, sparking Affordable Care Act criticisms, assurances about medicare’s solvency, and a “nasty” quote that has since taken the internet by storm.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump were asked about their plans for the Medicare and Social Security programs in the final minutes of the debate by moderator Chris Wallace.

Both candidates had previously been characterized as having no “serious plan that is going to solve the fact that Medicare is going to run out of money in the 2020s,” Wallace said. He  asked whether either candidate would consider a “grand bargain” to fund the program that would include tax increases and benefit cuts.

Trump responded that he would cut taxes, and rely on the economy growing “at a record rate” to fund both Medicare and the Social Security programs. When challenged by Wallace as to how cutting taxes would help protect entitlements, Trump responded that it’s “going to totally help.” He also touted plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act to bring down healthcare costs.

Clinton said she would raise taxes on the wealthy — herself and Trump included — to “replenish” Social Security funds. Her comment on raising Trump’s taxes “assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it” spurred Trump’s “nasty woman” comment, which has since emerged as one of the most memorable quotes of the night.

Clinton also warned that Trump’s plan to repeal the ACA would “have dire consequences” on both the Social Security and Medicare programs, citing data from a recent report that found the ACA has boosted Medicare solvency through 2028.