CAST offers free tools for making electronic health record selections
CAST offers free tools for making electronic health record selections

LeadingAge’s Center for Aging Services Technologies has released several free tools designed to help operators identify electronic health records  products that might meet their needs. The portfolio includes an online tool for identifying products that meet an organization’s requirements and an accompanying whitepaper that guides organizations through an interdisciplinary planning for EHRs process and defining the needed specifications.

“LeadingAge members have long told us of their struggles to understand which EHR products they should consider implementing,” said Majd Alwan, Ph.D., LeadingAge senior vice president for technology and executive director of CAST. “We are very pleased to have partnered with vendors who agreed to contribute information about their products’ capabilities according to a defined set of functionalities. This has enabled us to create a selection matrix that covers the landscape of EHR products build an online EHR Selection tool that is both thorough and user-friendly.”