John O'Connor
John O’Connor, editorial director

In case you are wondering what $2 trillion buys these days, here’s one apparent answer from President Joe Biden: An infrastructure and climate change package, plus various sweeteners. The latter includes bridge and road repairs, expanding broadband internet — and free community college for all.

To be sure, these are nice, and in some cases, necessary upgrades. But at some point, won’t they need to be paid for?

The answer to that annoying question comes from newly elected leaders known for decrying class warfare: Soak the rich and corporations. To which I can only reply: Good luck with that.

An understaffed Internal Revenue Service is going to extract more money from a social and business class that hires the best legal and accounting talent for the express purpose of avoiding taxes? Gee, I wonder if they might find some new schemes and loopholes?

To be fair, the Democrats in charge hardly hold a monopoly on the credit card lifestyle. As we saw last year when Republicans were running things, the notion of trillion dollar-plus spending sprees is not exactly a new concept.

It’s self-evident that both sides like to wear the Santa suit. And who can blame them? There’s surely more to be gained by giving than taking away, especially when elections roll around.

But considering all the largesse, it’s hard to believe how sting the same folks can be with funding long-term care.

There seems to be more than a little irony involved in the way various causes are being prioritized. Just to be clear, I have no issue with repairing bridges and other parts of our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

It does seem strange that while MedPAC et. al. repeatedly insist public funding for long-term care is excessive, the sky seems to be the limit for less-worthy pursuits.

Look, I’m all for faster internet service, repaired bridges and smoother roads. Who isn’t? But what about properly taking care of the frail and vulnerable elderly among us?

We should never prioritize taking care of things ahead of people. Doing so is not simply unwise. It undermines our humanity.