Healthcare providers who received more than $10,000 in Provider Relief Fund payments will now have a longer grace period to report to the federal government how they used the aid, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

HHS on Friday announced that it has delayed the reporting deadline for healthcare providers due, in part, because Congress passed the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act in late December, which added another $3 billion to the Provider Relief Fund.

HHS previously planned to open the Reporting Portal on Jan. 15, 2021, with the first deadline for submissions set for Feb. 15. The agency added that its working to update the PRF reporting requirements to be consistent with the new law but did not establish a new deadline. 

“In the interim, however, starting today, HHS is encouraging all PRF recipients that have received aggregate PRF payments that exceed $10,000 to establish a reporting account by registering at the newly enabled PRF reporting website,” the agency said in a statement. 

It added that the reporting requirements released today do not apply to funds from: Nursing Home Infection Control, Rural Health Clinics Testing, and COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement to Health Care Providers and Facilities for Testing, Treatment and Vaccine Administration for the Uninsured recipients.

“While there is currently no deadline for providers to establish a reporting account in the newly enabled Reporting Portal, all providers will be required to complete this first step in order to advance and fulfill their reporting requirements once HHS announces the new deadline to do so,” the agency stated.