Many long-term care workers are less satisfied with their jobs these days, a new survey finds. One reason: MDS 3.0 assessments are taking longer to complete.

Job satisfaction rates for long-term care workers fell an average of 10 points between 2009 and 2011, according to the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination study. Compensation and work/life balance were among leading indicators cited.

MDS 3.0 completion time was one of the top areas for concern among workers. The most time-consuming parts of the assessment were: OBRA Comprehensive MDS only, CAAs only, Care Plan only and PPS only, according to the survey results.

The good news: Roughly two-thirds of survey respondents agreed that the MDS 3.0 tool has improved their awareness of each resident’s choices and preferences in how care is provided.

Nearly 60% of survey respondents were nurse assessment coordinators or MDS coordinators. Others included directors of nursing, administrators, corporate directors/consultants and reimbursement specialists.