InBody 570
InBody 570

A Cerritos, CA, company wants to help the aging services industry to better assesses the body composition of its residents.

InBody will do so through the use of its 570 new clinical tool. In just 45 seconds, the InBody 570 can provide a detailed, medically validated assessment of a residents’ bodies. That includes their body composition history (whether they are losing fat mass and retaining muscle); segmental lean analysis (i.e., pounds of lean mass in the arms and legs); visceral fat analysis (how much fat surrounds the organs); and basal metabolic rate (how many calories are burned at rest).

With information procured by the InBody 570, caregivers can more specifically tailor nutrition or weight loss programs, the company noted in an announcement. The devices are also space-efficient and don’t require pre-loaded data related to age or gender. InBody highlighted the product at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Spring World Congress 2018 in Hollywood, FL, earlier this month.