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Ask the treatment expert

What areas in skin and wound care will be affected by the recent revisions to the Quality of Life and Environment section tags in the State Operations Manual: Guidance to Surveyors?

The following are some suggestions that will assist in compliance:

• Staff should not just show up whenever it is convenient for them to provide wound or skin care treatments. Discuss with the resident the best time to provide care.

• Store wound and skin care treatment supplies in secure locations in each resident’s room, to avoid pushing a community treatment cart.

• Do not post signs in residents’ rooms or in staff work areas that are visible to other residents and/or visitors that include confidential clinical information such as turning schedules, toileting times, lists of residents with pressure ulcers, etc.

• Prior to entering a resident’s room to provide skin care, knock on the door and wait for permission to enter.

• Address residents with a name of their choice, not yours.

• Ask for permission to move or inspect a resident’s furniture or personal possessions when setting up your equipment for wound/skin care.

• If you need to turn the television or radio off while providing wound/skin care, ask for permission first before doing so.

• Keep the resident informed on what you are doing; explain each step or action beforehand. In other words, do not spray normal saline over a wound and then say, “Oh, I bet that was cold.” 

• Try to conceal wound dressings under residents’ clothing or lap robe, or use less obvious flesh-colored bandages.

• If utilizing a pressure redistribution mattress/bed, make sure that the bed is the proper size and height for the convenience of the resident.